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The World's Most Dangerous Ride

The World's Most Dangerous Ride:

Scroll down for today's pictures & links.

The World's Most Dangerous Ride

Called "The World's Most Dangerous Ride", this crazy vertigo-inducing trail in the Himalayas certainly fits the bill ("Motology"'s Adam Riemann rode this as part of the Himalayan Hero 4500km epic journey). A great addition to our "Dangerous Roads" series.


Today's pictures & links:

Futuristic Egg House, spotted in Berlin

We already wrote about such "Flying Saucer" futuristic 1960s-style houses (this one was prefabricated in 1968) in our recent article. Another knock-off of the "Futuro House" (designed by by Matti Suuronen, Finland) was spotted in partly abandoned area of a public park in Berlin:

(image credit: Dennis Gerbeckx)


New Mercedes-Benz Ener-G-Force Concept: 2025 Highway Patrol Car

This very cool, futuristic highway law enforcement vehicle will be powered by recycled water converted into hydrogen. Some reviewers call this car "pure science fiction", and we have to agree:

(images via)

See more photos here.


Gigantic Balancing Rock, Seen in Finland

Very mysterious-looking relic from ancient Ice Ages, deposited by glaciers in the middle of the forest:

(image credit: Retkipaikka)


Mixed fresh links for today:

Graffiti on Abandoned Airplanes: Impressive - [The Boneyard Project]

The Orchestrion: Huge Automatic Music Machine - [vintage]

Interview with a Semicolon - [funny]

High-Speed Book Scanner: Looks Great! - [geek video]

Hotel Lux: somebody should write a book about this hotel - [better than "The Shining"]

Various Misfortunes of Riding a BMW bike in India - [cool video]

Doomsday Shelter in Kansas Prairie - [apocalyptic]

Extreme Cases of OCD & Agoraphobia - [weird]

Most Bizarre Airport Runways - [cool info]

Extraordinary Talented African Boy - [wow video]

Mesmerizing Finnish Song (you all heard it) - [wow video]

Extreme Wheelchair Rides on Ramps in Russia - [wow video]

Fail in Parking and TV Delivery - [fun video]

Dumb Ways To Die: A Silly Song - [video, cartoon violence]

Great Photoshop Disasters Roundup - [funny]


Grandiose Gothic Hotel Sketch, by Hugh Ferris, 1930

The epitome of the "Imperial 1930s style"! -

(image via)


Smiling Shark Gives Hi-Five to the Diver

Very laid-back shark, indeed... sharing a moment with the "Shark Diver" photographer Eli Martinez at the Bahamas coast:

(image via, Eli Martinez, Picture Media)


Some of the most intense abstract art we've seen

Przemyslaw Kucinski, or "Perihelio" on DeviantArt, created these sublime, sophisticated concoctions back in 2001-2006 - but his work can still inspire and amaze:

(image credit: Przemyslaw Kucinski)


These seem pretty awkward...

The Edvard Petrini's pedaled roller skates, circa 1910 (known as "Takypod" in Sweden):

(image via)


The following is a short round-up of the best from our Facebook stream (which we update every day with unique material, not available on DRB otherwise):

Very cool futuristic RV - 1954 Chevrolet COE Tourliner, winner of the 2011 Peach City Beach Cruise Show:

(image via)

Enjoy Your Flight! - Maureen O'Sullivan, in the 1930 film "Just Imagine":

(image via)

Pepsi seem to have lost this round:

(original unknown)

I can't look at this for too long... -

(original unknown)

Real road hazard (put there with the best intention to warn you about another road hazard):

(original unknown)



(original unknown)

Smoking is definitely not good for rabbits.


Walter Frederick Morrison, Inventor of the Frisbee

Walter Frederick Morrison, seen here with his "Pluto Platter" in 1957 (later renamed the "Frisbee"):

(image credit: AP, via)

"Mr. Morrison and his future wife, Lu, used to toss a tin cake pan on the beach in California. The idea grew as Mr Morrison considered ways to make the cake pans fly better and after serving as a pilot in World War II, Mr Morrison began manufacturing his flying discs in 1948."


Any idea why these empty bottles are set up along the highway?

(original unknown)

Perhaps, they are DIY reflectors?


Giant Tentacles to Take Over Your Suburb

This can be easily made by you to scare the neighbors. Instructions are here. Have fun.

(image via)


"I have bad news for you, Buddy... They went on a diet again"

(original unknown)



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