How do you herd almost ninety of the world's heftiest animals into a 1.5 x 2 foot rectangle? Leave that to the whiz kids at Pop Chart Lab, and just sit back and enjoy A Sea Full of Cetaceans. Featuring a range of marine mammals from killer whales to narwhals, various creatures are grouped into their natural pods - and are drawn to scale, lest there be any confusion about who's top (aqua)dog in the ocean.
Dimensions: 18" x 24"
Each poster comes packaged in a Pop Chart Lab Test Tube
100 lb. archival stock certified by The Forest Stewardship Council
Poster is pressed in Long Island City, NY with vegetable-based inks
About Pop Chart Lab
In 2010, a book editor and a graphic designer joined forces with one modest goal: to render all of human experience in chart form.
They went on to amass no small renown (that is, a ton of renown) for their infographical treatments of the varieties of beer, the full array of culinary tools, a taxonomy of hip-hop, and dozens more mappings of cultural touchstones.
Now, with a small team of researchers, designers, and soldiers, Pop Chart Lab continues to assemble, sift, cull, and arrange massive amounts of cultural data into meaningful works of art and information.