REAL-f is a japanese company which is the designer of the most super realistic 3d face replica, Masks is one of our tradition which we dress it on our Halloween day, so now you can dress a replica of your or other one face's.
This dream can the REAL-f company achieveing it for you, They offer to versions,the first one is a mask type replica which is called, mannequin type, the other is a replica of the head.
what does the company to create such mask, first it captured a photo of
the face which it what to replicate it from different angles then it
imprints the image on vinyl chloride resin stretched over a mold.
REAL-f which has the unique
production technology makes sure that even the details like iris and
blood vessels are also replicated accuratley.
So how much does it costs
some one to replicate a face? this is really a good question, it costs
3,920 USD and for additional copies 780 USD for each, this is for the
face replica but for the head replica it costs 5,875 USD and 1,960 for
each copy.