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Live Modern: Stay

With guests no doubt due to arrive any minute on your doorsteps for the holidays, it might behoove you to evaluate your first impression. What will people see upon first landing on your threshold? Will they spy a modern facade that perfectly ensconces your personality? Architecture that’s nice but not quite your style? Or dead potted plants you’ve yet to move?

We’re finding a lot of inspiration for bold, modern exteriors in the house in Shinagawa, Japan by StudioLOOP called Stay. Look at that tall, skinny white building with the arresting modern red exterior treatment. It’s not just the door that’s painted red, it’s a bit of the wall to the left of the door. It makes an impact.

Could you do something like this for your exterior? Pick a punchy color for the door…and a bit of the wall to the left or right of the door? Just an idea.

Images: Architizer

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