How Road Tunnels Are Made:
Today Sochi is a place where a lot of construction projects are being realized before the winter Olympics in 2014. Here we are going to see how they are building road tunnels in the city applying new technologies. They use … Read more...
barracks had been used for their intended purpose but in 1996 the army
left this place forever. Since then it’s been a mess there. The barracks
are located in Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, 80 km (49 miles) from Odessa. They
are called …
is one of the largest railway yards in Russia. It is located in
Novosibirsk. The transport node unites cargoes from Kuzbass, the Urals
and Central Asia letting traffic flow in five directions and to 37
destinations. Daily turnover amounts …
“Mriya” made in Ukraine is the biggest plane in the world. And there is
only one plane like this. You are about to see how “Mriya” flies over
the airfield Antonov in Gostomel together with an aerobatic display team