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8 Other Uses for an Apple iPad

Regardless of your opinion of Apple products, there’s no denying their popularity, and if 2010 belonged to any one of Apple’s products, it was easily the iPad (sorry iPhone 4).  While there are plenty of uses for the iPad in the manner it was intended (e-reader, movie screen, internet browser), here are 8 ways it can be used that probably aren’t what Apple had in mind when it released it.

Car iPad

Car iPad
Sure, car manufacturers have been placing LCD screens in cars for some years now, but nothing on par with the functionality of the iPad.  Be interesting to get some apps for this that really enhance the entire driving experience.  Of course, it would be even better if the iPad could make phone calls.

Macintosh iPad

Classic Macintosh iPad
If you went to school in the 80′s and early 90′s, you’ve used a computer that looked just like this to play some SimAnts or Where in (insert region here) is Carmen Sandiego?, but those computers probably couldn’t do everything the iPad can, and they certainly didn’t offer touch-screen technology.

G4 iPad

G4 iPad
Sticking with the old Apple desktop models, we have a slightly updated version with the Apple G4.  More closely resembling a current iMac than anything else, I’m wondering how the specs compare between the iPad and a G4.

iBook iPad

iBook iPad
Other than the different operating system I honestly couldn’t tell the difference at first glance.  Probably just as good as having a case to protect your iPad.

iPad Arcade

iPad Arcade
I kinda want this one actually.

iPad Skateboard

iPad Skateboard
I’m willing to admit that this one is probably a joke as much as anything, but skaters will do some crazy things, so you never really know.  I can’t imagine this is particularly good for dropping into a half-pipe though.

iPad Typewriter

iPad Typewriter
I’ve tried to type on an iPad, and having something like this would actually be pretty useful, and if you’re a fan of the way typewriters feel when writing on them, there’s probably nothing better than this for you.

Kitchen iPad

Kitchen iPad
I am seriously considering stopping at Best Buy to get an iPad just for this purpose.  That would be pretty awesome.
If you’ve got another use for your iPad that’s not what Apple originally intended (I don’t mean hacking it either), I’d love to see it.  Send a picture to and it just might get shown on here.
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