Sorta reminds me of the Batman from the old Saturday morning show.
Bobba Fett
There’s never a bad time to include an image of the Fett.
Captain America
Nothing says American pride quite like a cat dressed up like a comic book hero.
Dark Knight Batman
You can’t really have the Saturday morning version without the big screen version.
Darth Maul
Easily one of the best villains in the Star Wars movies. Shame he had to go out like a punk.
Darth Vader
Speaking of Star Wars villains…
Dr. Manhattan
So glad the legs are there to hide whether or not this Dr. Manhattan is naked.
I ain’t ‘fraid of no ghosts…
Green Lantern
It should be interesting to see Ryan Reynolds take on the role later this year.
Han Solo in Carbonite
Hit Girl
When is a foul mouthed pre-teen that beats people up not awesome? Kick-Ass was such a great movie and comic.
Human Torch
I am totally in favor of burning Hello Kitty dolls. Just sayin’.
Invisible Woman
Iron Man
Mr. Fantastic
Love the stretched neck.
Night Owl
Poor guy, being rendered in pink. That’s just shameful.
Silk Spectre
Malin Ackerman she’s not.
Heh…spider-kitty, spider-kitty. The Simpsons Movie was great.
Strawberry Shortcake
The Bride
I feel as though this Uma Thurman homage should have a wig.
The Flash
The Punisher
Bad kitty!
The Thing
I feel as though the Hello Kitty version of The Thing needs a better line than “It’s Clobbering Time!”
Tron Legacy
The movie was great, but I admit that I would totally watch an animated version with all Hello Kitty characters.
No way you can have Spider-Man without Venom.
He’s the best there is at what he does, and what he does is…cuddle?