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Star Wars Pin-Up Propaganda Posters

For years, artist Feng Zhu has been working on some of the most high profile projects in movies and games. However, when he’s not designing work for George Lucas or Electronic Arts, he does some drawings on his own. Drawing from the Star Wars universe, he’s created a series of propaganda posters with…provocative ladies encouraging young men to join the Empire. I was going to anyways, but these posters certainly drive home the point.
Do Your Part. Serve!
It's Your Duty!
Join! It's Your Duty!
Next Planet!
Next Planet!
Ok, this one seems a bit callous.
Build it Right - Make it Bite!
Build it Right - Make it Bite!
I want my mechanic to look and dress like that.
Rebels spotted - Let'em Have It!
Rebels spotted - Let'em Have It!
Work with Exotic Creatures
Work with Exotic Creatures
I’m not sure that’s the best outfit to wear when dealing with a rancor, but I’m also not saying it’s the worst.
See New Worlds! Join Today!
See New Worlds! Join Today!
It might not keep her warm on Hoth, but it most likely is keeping somebody warm.
Fly for the Empire!
Fly for the Empire!
It’s a known fact that pilots are always hot. Always.
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