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MAKE Flickr Pool Weekly Roundup

MAKE Flickr Pool Weekly Roundup:
I had a sense, as early as Tuesday, that it was going to be a yellow kind of week, and sure enough, the MAKE Flickr pool has proved it out. And though yellow has lots of negative connotations, it happens to be my favorite color, probably because it reminds of me construction equipment and power tools. Oh, and flowers. I have credible reports from people who have actually seen nature that flowers are sometimes yellow, too.

Audio Duck Left from Copper Pete.


Earth from idfarmer.


planetary_gear01 from 220.

String Curve

String Curve from fsm vpggru.

CNC Milled Foam Skull

CNC Milled Foam Skull from anachrocomputer.

Internet Controlled Christmas Lights - Light Controller

Internet Controlled Christmas Lights – Light Controller from sean_carney.


ball from builttospec.

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MikeLiveira's Space on Tumblr