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Mark Weaver makes something cool every day

Mark Weaver makes something cool every day:

Space themes? Check. Googie retro Mid-Century Modern elements? Check. Architecture? Check. Cool color palettes? Check check check. New York City-based illustrator Mark Weaver is making the sort of things that we dream of at night and fantasize about during the day! Working for pretty high-end clients and publications like The New York Times, WIRED Magazine, Fast Company Magazine, GOOD Magazine, ReadyMade Magazine, Paste Magazine, The Sunday Times Magazine, Young & Rubicam, The Washington Post, Fortune Magazine, How To Destroy Angels and more, obviously we’re not the only folks who dig his work.

We’re not sure if this was a personal or professional project, but we like this series he did called “Make Something Cool Every Day.” Featuring, you guessed it, really cool illustrations and screen prints each day, there are definite themes that run throughout his work, and everything looks like it would be cool to have on a wall. Our wall, my wall, your wall. More.

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