I make collages from newspapers, mixing up one image with another, usually found from the same newspaper examining the craziness of the modern world. All of my images are hand-made, without the use of computers. I find the images in newspapers, magazines given on trains, buses and bins.
My collages work to a basic rule of sourcing just two or three images. With these I can reinvent the original scene to communicate a new idea.
I suppose I’ve become fairly anti-technology. Although I now promote my art on websites, own an iPhone and use Facebook. It’s confusing, I wish I had been born 100 years ago.
#1 Thirst
#2 Camping
#3 Cat Walk
#4 Covering The Cracks
#5 Park Life
#6 Gucci
#9 Thirst II
#13 Distractions
#15 Mixed Up