Chubby Darth Vader
I suppose being inside that suit probably makes working out hard, but you’d think he’d at least try to take better care of himself.
Darth Mouse
I think we’ve all always suspected that Disney’s mascot is really a Sith Lord. Just me? Oh, well I’m sticking to this either way.
Fat Vader
There’s being chubby and there’s being fat. Time for this Darth Vader to go on a diet of epic proportions and put down the ice cream.
LEGO Darth Vader Bear
Is there anything you can’t get in LEGO?
Painted Darth Vader Helmet
There’s a whole series of these helmets that were done for charity. This was one of the more impressive ones.
Smiling Darth Vader
There’s few things more terrifying than Darth Vader smiling like he knows something you don’t. Like how he’s going to kill you.
The Darth Knight
This may actually be one of the most bad-ass things I’ve ever seen. Ever. Such a good mash up.
Knitted Darth Vader
I know what I’m getting my nephew for Christmas. I don’t think he’s old enough to appreciate it, but I’ll know, and that’s good enough.
Lightsaber Lighter
Smoking is a filthy, dirty habit, but then I think Vader’s lungs are fried enough that it doesn’t really matter.
Darth Vader and Stormtroopers
Loving the Deathstar and Tie Fighters as balloons.
Darth Vader Hot Air Balloon
Whoever designed this is a genius. A genius that deserves an award. I’m afraid of heights and I want to go up in this thing.
Darth Vader Condom
My French is a little rusty, but I’ve been lead to believe that it reads “I will not be your father!”. I’ll take a box of them please.
Darth Vader Riding a Cat
Screw speeders, this is what the Empire should have used on Endor. Would have been even better when dealing with the Ewoks.
Darth Vader Riding a Chipmunk
Ok, maybe a chipmunk would be better than a cat. Either way, awesome.
Darth Vader Sand Sculpture
Anybody that has the time and patience to create amazing sand castles has my respect, but the person that created this sand sculpture of Darth Vader has something else. My hat is off to this person.
Violin Playing Darth Vader
The Devil may have gone down to Georgia, but my money’s on Darth Vader when it comes to a fiddle, violin, or guitar contest. I’d tip this guy.
Darth Vaderette
Darth Vader finally gets a hot new look as a woman. This Darth Vader Babe looks good in black leather or is it latex or do we really care. Its’ skin tight and this Vaderette looks great in black. The Force is indeed strong with this one.