by Justin Page
The Heart of Sky is a short animated sci-fi film, brought to life in 2016 by the creative visual storytellers at Mirari & Co., about how life might have been created on earth. They drew their inspiration for the film from ancient Mayan mythology and references from the cultural narrative, Popol Vuh.
In the past two years, we’ve been working on this short film as a chronic background project. We have come across hundreds of problems and limitations during the production process and used to think we might never be able to publish it. By pushing our creativity and with the curiosity to see how far we can go, we made our way here.
Taking inspiration from Mayan myth, we have initiated this story about how lives might have been created on earth, in a science fiction style. Most of the references, which helped our design are from a book called Popol Vuh. The book is a corpus of Mytho-historical narrative created in post Classic K’iche’ kingdom, which is also considered as Mayan bible.